English Speaking part 1 – Common Topics

The key for success in speaking is to prepare the common topics which the examiner can ask you about in IELTS speaking part 1. You will be asked a total of 3 topic for IELTS speaking part 1. The examiner has a list of subjects to take the questions from so you need to prepare ideas for a range of different topics.

This video tutorial will explain what the common topics are for part 1 and which ones you should focus on for your preparation.


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Hello my name is Liz

in this lesson I’m going to look

at the types of topics

that the examiner could ask you

in IELTS speaking part 1

and at the end of this lesson

I’ll give you a link so that you can

take a look at the topics and questions

for yourself

the examiner will probably ask you

about 12 different questions

in speaking part 1

and these questions come from usually

3 different subjects these are all

familiar and they are topics that

are common to everybody

throughout the world

now the first IELTS speaking part 1 topic of these three

usually come from one of these

work study home and hometown

you will probably get

one of them for your first topic

work or study now if the examiner

decides to ask you about work or study

the first question that

the examiner will ask

is “do you work or do you study”

now the examiner is asking

this question

only because he or she needs

to know which

topic to choose to ask

the questions so with this question

you do not need to expand your answer

you can just say very clearly

“I work” or “I study”

now if you’re a students and

you’ve finished university

but you aren’t not working either

then you need to tell the examiner that

and you need to say “I’ve just finished

university but I don’t have a job yet”

and the examiner will then continue

and ask you about the topic of study. Now with

these topics the common questions

which the examiner could ask you is

where do you study or work

why did you choose that subject or job

the examiner might ask you about

your first day

about the people you that

you work or study with

and other things about your work

or your study

Now for the topic of home

this topic is all about where you live

so it could be about your house

or your apartment

and in that topic

the examiner can ask you

about the rooms in your house

how they are decorated

so what you can see on the walls

or what you kind of views you have

from the windows

the examiner might also ask you

about the people you live with

or the area and street that you live in

And the last topic hometown

now if you get the topic of hometown

this is about the place

where you were born or where you

spent your childhood

and for this topic

the examiner often asks you

about places in your hometown

for example buildings or

old buildings in your hometown

the examiner might ask you

about the weather

or transportation

in your hometown

or if you plan to still live

there in the future

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