Google sheets and Microsoft Excel Learning – March 2023

Students and Teachers at Mirpur UTC have been learning and training on Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

They have been learning use of microsoft excel and some of its advanced complex formulas using speadsheet and large amounts of Data.

Some of the techniquies/formulas students have learnt so far..


Exercise and test via google Meet

Training and test was kindly provided by Ashikur Rahman, Senior Procurement and Contracts Lead at National Grid.

Students were given a set of questions to answer. They worked as a team but completed their test by their own without copying each other work.

Online test was conducted via Google Meet.

Enter FormulaNoQuestion
Q1What was the total value of invoices issued to Mirpur Headquarters
Q2What was the total value of invoices issued to Holiar Para Headquarters
Q3What was the total value of invoices issued to Nozipur Headquarters
Q4How many invoices were issued in total?
Q5How many invoices were issued in 2021?
Q6What was the average invoice value issued to Barakat in 2021?
Q7What was the total value of invoices issued to Shundorbon
Q8What was the number of invoices issued to Muslim exceeding £10,000
Q9What was the total value of invoices issued to Mini Market exceeding or equal to £10,000
Q10What % do Rifat invoices represent compared to the total invoice value
Q11Find the total value of invoices for companies with Headquarters based in Holiar Para and invoices issued in January with an invoice number greater than 17,000 and less than 18000
screenshot taken during online conference via Google Meet
Excel test

next lesson

Going forward students will be learning Pivot Tables and how to create charts and graphs, they will also be learning to do calculations using advanced formulas.

Session ended with light refreshments provided by Ash Rahman